Happy New Year

First of all I would like to wish all my readers Happy & a Prosperous New Year & also apologize to them for being late in wishing them.

The year 2012 passed pretty fast. In fact the past so many years have been passing pretty fast. 

Reason: Probably.............. I don't know. I might be spending happier times than before. Hence the time is just flying at an enormously fast speed.

Just a few years back I was searching a prospect for marriage (I got married late). But now I am married, advancing towards my 4rth year. I am a mother of 1.8 year old son. Today, at this moment while I write this post in the taxi, I feel that my son - YUVADITYA, just came all of a sudden at 1.8 years of his age. The time since I got pregnant with him, then I delivered him to this world & he reaching his current age, was so fast that I feel he has just suddenly come into my life.

The same feeling I had felt when I was married to RAJEEV. The time spent with him was so superb, awesome that how time flew I never knew. Many new years came & went. So will 2013 - it has come & will pass as fast as other years did. I met Rajeev, fell in love with him, so did he. We loved each other, fought, made up, again loved - expressing love in different forms & then came the best creation my son Yuva.

I thought of many things & about many people about whom I would be writing in this post. But gradually as  I wrote I dropped the idea of writing on these so called things & people & giving them unnecessary importance. 

I want to promise one thing to myself this year. It could be called as a new year resolution but hope I don't break it. A young cardiologist at our institute died yesterday. Possible cause - MI? Stroke? Probably a life style irregularity & hence the disease - Case. Hence the resolution - I decided to become & stay fit.

Another resolution - write maximum posts on my blog & make the no. 50 as it was once upon a time. The no. 49 is because I removed 1 controversial post.

Hence with these new year resolutions I would like to take leave & again come back with a new post.


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