After a Long Hiatus - Waiting to Write my First Post of the Year 2016
I hardly wrote on my blog in the year 2015, with only 3 posts coming up last year and none for the current year till today.
I clicked the name Urwashi Parmar and my blog could be seen on some 5th or 6th number from above. And I realized that its been almost a year and I have not written on my blog. Not that many people read and comment. But I like to write and I have been writing my mind since many years and this blog has been my mind friend since then, so why chuck writing on it.
Since I made that memorable international trip, 'M', has thought me to be laziness personified and thought it would be better I come out of my cacoon and start using my hands and legs more. My work burden has increased and I tend to self sympathize more often. Friends don't come under the category of friends. Means - everybody is in the rat race. When required I am their friend otherwise I am just another person near them - well recognized but highly unidentifiable. Some "Friends" who were "Friends" once upon a time are friends no more. I told you - everyone likes the rat and are fiercely racing.
I have lost all that precious time to read and write. I have noticed a change in the attitude of many. I have noticed the change in myself.
But I have decided to keep up with the original. Writing is my passion and I will continue doing that. I have to and will cut down on my work. I will have to devote time to myself and my family.
Vacations are the time when we actually get to enjoy. We are refreshed and can do anything. We spend quality time with our family and ourselves. We are relaxed. But this time, vacations ki bhi butch laag gayi hai. Till then let me keep my finger crossed and hope for the best.
Hope I gain my original self very soon and start to write something very serious on this blog as I used to once upon a time.
Till then Sayonara.