
It is surprising nowadays to see how virtual medium gets over you. And especially on those people who were born and brought up without any virtuality, those people who stayed in touch actually, in  reality. 

Some incident happens in reality and the entire virtual medium is filled with its news, jokes, comments etc. 

Some famous actor's stupidity and his method of escape were all over the virtual medium just around a certain period of time..

Our great president APJ Abdul Kalam passed away and then all over the medium there were philosophical statements being circulated.

Just how rapidly the news is covered in all possible ways is an astonishing thing. 

Want to spread a rumor - spread it virtually. It will spread faster then any other known faster method. 

Nowadays - 'What's App' is a messaging service that has gained a world wide publicity where anyone and everyone can be in touch with anyone and everyone around the world. FREE OF COST.

Recently, 'Demonetization' has created a countrywide stir. Some in support of it. Some against it. People are holding personal views, political views, biased views, logical views etc. And they are publishing their views everywhere in all possible existing virtual mediums. Whats App, FB, Twitter - just name it. Demonetization in India was done with the purpose of arresting BLACK MONEY and its practices. Discussion on long term positive and negative impact of demonetization needs another post. But people are having short term negative impacts.

Lower value cash got difficult to acquire. Transactions during traveling by public transport, while buying vegetables from the bhajjiwala and such similar situations became difficult. Withdrawal of cash especially from ATM's became difficult.It became difficult for the people to withdraw their own money.

All this heard & seen on news and through some of my friends, I started thinking whether the situation is actually that bad???

I went to the bank the very next day when the demonetization was announced. I could see big lines outside various banks that came my way as I saw while in my Rickshaw. The very next day - yes there were certain banks who could not give money like the ICICI bank. But the same day when ICICI bank fell short of money, Dena bank gave money immediately, and that too when I had given cheque. When I back dated thought about how everyone is facing difficulty and how I myself was so lucky to get the money so easily, the reasons that came to my mind were - I just went to the bank 15 minutes before its closing time for such transactions. Also I was not in the line where I wanted to exchange old notes for new ones. I just deposited 7500 Rs. in my account. For which I did have to stand in the line. I wasn't standing in the ATM line to withdraw money, the ATM's fell short of cash and hence the entire problem which brewed in the initial days just blew up later.

Now, my main intention for writing this post. Its not that my post has displayed contents that nobody else has. Its not that my post contains that rarest of rare information on demonetization which no one can find anywhere else. But it is mainly based on an argument between me and my friend that brewed between us on a certain Whats App group.

In a discussion whether Demonetization is good or bad, the group participants were presenting their views for and against. My friend in question had written a point "A father got frustrated as he didn't get money twice after standing in long queues and killed both his children".

My reply to her was, "Yeah kaise frustration hai. He must be having some other problem".

Two other group members also had a similar views. But somehow the friend in question got so bucked with only me and started her discussion or should say directed her attack specifically towards me.

She made a point, "Ok so Urwashi wat abt others who died of heart attack??? Did they too have some other problems?"

Now I could not understand this comparison. Her comparison was like comparing apples and oranges. A man standing in line for hours and killing his children and someone dying of heart attack. How can this comparison even occur. I haven't said something which would or should invoke a reaction that followed in the later part of the conversation. Everyone are and were presenting their opinions for or against demonetization. I too did. Then what invoked that reaction in my friend. A hatred towards BJP and NAMO or hatred towards me and my support towards NAMO in this process. Or should I say, the others who held the same view were more stronger in voice and she couldn't or preferred not go against them. Or she thought that the others who held the same view were those who according to her more stronger publicly, politically and in many more terms. So targeting me would be easier and her views would be presented as well. People have biased views on everything, right???

What my friend assumed - A father killed his children. He stood a line twice for withdrawing money. He did not get the money. According to my friend - this demonetization caused all the problem. Lack of existing money. Did not get his own cash due to lack of money in the banks and ATM's. Frustrated father had nothing to feed his children and he killed them.

What I assumed according to her was that he was having some already existing previous tensions. What his previously existing tensions were is difficult for anyone to know. This incident just would have acted fuel to the fire.

Dear friend - standing in lines for hours is not the reason. It takes a certain extreme negative level of mental status to kill your own children or to commit suicide. What happened of the father is still unknown to me. But one just cannot all of sudden say I am frustrated standing in line - ok I am killing my children - NAMO you are responsible.

Dear friend - have you ever known what a patient of any kind suffers??? What goes in the mind of a person who suffers in extremes?? Sitting in a posh room of one of the 5 star B & B, watching the highly biased news and putting comments is easy. Please come to hospitals - especially government run to see what the actual suffering is.

Dear friend are you aware of the fact that most patients in Mumbai die before reaching to their desired tertiary care hospitals due to crowded roads?? Have you ever commented with the same intensity?? I doubt. Demonetization is just a medium for people like you to attack the government. People who actually suffer are never in the news.

Bias as I feel - in any situation, for any situation is bad.


But such an argument according to me was uninvited way of suffering. Standing in lines would have been a better option.

What are the actual long term implications of Demonetization - we just have to wait and watch.


Unfortunately, the comments to this post were posted on FB. This post got maximum page views & paramount publicity. The publicity included positive as well as negative ones. But for negative publicity - I say every publicity is a good publicity. I had almost 164 page views. Superb.

So I thank all those who read my blog.

Even if u don't like me, hated my post even more, blocked me on FB for going public. Even if such pests have no significance in my real life, I still thank them all. Because of the good ones & especially the bad pests, my blog got publicity like never before.

For follow up comments to this post, please read them on my FB page.

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