Mumbai once again drowned in water. Last time I got stuck was around 12 years back - 26/07/2005. Again I get stuck - 12 years later on 29/08/2017.
On 29/08/2017 - I just could not leave early because I was to take an already scheduled practical class for the MBBS students. Top of it, the students came 1/2 hour late & hence 3 of us (me & 2 of my senior colleagues) left by 3.00 pm & got stranded in the water for hours. By evening 7.15 pm we decided to go to a friends house.
I stayed there for a few hours & then left by around 11.15 pm when my husband came to pick me up.
Now after I read a certain view point and the comments below it on a Facebook page of a professional colleague, I could not resist but to comment below. The view point of the person was - "It rains in Mumbai & everyone is making too much of noise. The BMC & the government authorities have done nothing to improve the conditions. Useless Government. Mumbai is a useless place to stay."

Now that has left me to imagine why the hell do such people come to Mumbai??? They come, some conveniently settle & some people just hang on for a few years, earn money, keep abusing Mumbai & leave. Why they do that, is still a question mark. They make constant comparisons. Mumbai to western & other developed countries. It hurts. You are not loyal to the place who has made you what you are today. You then are not a true citizen of the country you stay in. If you cannot appreciate certain positive things, rather then maintaining a decorum, they keep posting crap on social media, just to gain attention.

I have got stuck in rains for the 2nd time in 12 years. Yes, infrastructure needs to be developed & it has developed too. But probably not to the level as expected. But one has to even understand the number of people who migrate every year to Mumbai. And with crores of people coming in, tons of garbage is created & thrown. Loads of thermocol keeps getting discarded which comes from the home appliances people order. Thermocol was found in the sinks & manholes this year. Now that leaves me to the question that to how much extent should one blame the government?? Should not we as citizens just learn to be a bit careful & do something more apart from just paying taxes??

Afroz Shah, a man who lives on the beach of Versova, was disheartened to see the pathetic state of the beach. Tons of garbage lying on the Versova beach. He would look out of the window & feel bad. The beach he grew up on, has been famished over the years. Being a true human, he started cleaning up the beach all by his own self. And then he started getting help. People came to help him. The aam janta, film industry and ministers as well. I heard him live at "CONFLUENCE", a medical conference organized by the UG students at Seth G. S. Medical College & K. E. M. Hospital. His thoughts were actually good. He never felt, I am a lawyer, I should just be practicing law & do nothing else. According to him, start working for the cause one believes in. Help from everywhere will just start pouring in. Even the help from the government. And he actually started doing the ground level work all by himself. And the results are before everyone.

So my point here is everybody has to play their part. The government no doubt has to provide more than the basic requirements to the public. They do lack in many ways. But putting the entire blame on the government is ridiculous. The Government had provided somewhere some more than basic infrastructure but then I was surprised at such an insane public reaction. I want to quote here an example of "TEJAS EXPRESS" a high speed Mumbai - Goa - Mumbai train. On its maiden journey to Goa, the so called public just got too too greedy and mad. The following bold & underlined lines are copied but depict the insanity of the public who like blaming the government. "
According to a report in the Deccan Chronicle,
not only were the headphones stolen and screens scratched, the train
was littered and the toilets had also been soiled. Upon seeing the mess,
the authorities had to plead with the passengers to keep the train
clean. The Deccan Chronicle also quoted a passenger as saying that
some passengers even tried to remove the LED screens and take them away
in their bags. The report also quoted the maintenance staff as saying
that the floor was littered with cups, wrappers, bottles and such." Reference - This news had been featured constantly around the month of MAY 2017. So it actually seems pointless at a certain point of time to blame the government again & again.
So stop playing the the blame game & be a responsible citizen.