Dreams Fulfilled - When??
I always wanted to be a writer. Not that I always wanted to be one but I wanted to once I realized I could write well. I can express certain issues and sometimes my mind very well through writing. I make mistakes while I speak. Yes, many mistakes. I tend to self explain a lot, at first & then continue giving the explanation to the person I speak to. But, while I write I tend to be very specific. Probably, writing may be my natural talent.
I also have another dream. Of people recognizing me positively in public. That positive public recognition is what I dream of. Probably, I have got my share of recognition but humans as usual are selfish for some more. Probably, I would like to get recognized like the way I want - my style.
Now, about my writing. I get too many ideas. I have a friend, who has recently published her book. I always become a bit envious when some gets his/ her book published. She is a regular blogger too. She thinks clearly, has good ideas & expresses equally well. I could try as well. Try finding some time to pursue my hobby. Time is another thing, which I would like to have. I become envious of all those people who have the time to pursue their hearts.
While I write this post, I am simultaneously watching a film, '2 States'. Originally a book by the author Chetan Bhagat, the movie is equally interesting. I had read the book when I was newly married. Just 4 months into my marriage & had a peaceful job at Grant Medical College, Mumbai. I had time to read, enjoy & write my heart out. But a change in the job changes a lot of things. And many things have changed for me too.
But complaining has not been beneficial to anyone. So I think, I should stop complaining. And work towards achieving my goals. And of course fulfilling my dreams. In the pursuit of achieving happiness, I will start. The milestones achieved will be communicated to the extremely limited audience. But with the promise of coming back to this limited audience, I take leave. Bye.