Need support or discrimination
Human mind as all say, or rather know is difficult to predict. Many a times in our lives, comes a situation when we think something else & do something else. Sometimes we think we are too sure about what we think or what we do. But we never know what life has in store for us.
Transsexuals or trans sexuality is a very well known occurrence. In the 21st century, the so called modern era is well versed about this term. Many would also come in association with some similar transsexual people. For non-transsexuals such a topic has created a lot of curiosity and also led to a lot of arguments. Arguments of either supporting or rejecting the so called transsexuals. But who are we as human beings to judge somebody else's ideation i.e. being a transsexual. Is it not that we are destined to be what we are ---- Transsexuals, transvestites, homosexuals, bisexuals or rather "heterosexuals".
Now one would think why would I write on a topic so widely discussed. Most of the people would know who a transsexual is or what is trans sexuality. The need to write this topic on my blog arose when some of the medical students presented a symposium on Trans sexuality at a inter collegiate medical symposium.
A transsexual or a trans gender is a person who identifies himself or herself completely with the opposite sex, believing that wrong sex was assigned at birth. Transsexuals firmly think that they are meant to be of the opposite sex then the naturally assigned sex. Many of them even undergo sex transformation surgeries.
Transvestites are the people who like to only dress like the opposite sex, hence different from transsexuals or trans genders.
A Eunuch is a castrated man, usually one castrated early enough to have major hormonal consequences. The term usually refers to those castrated in order to perform a specific social function. The English word eunuch is derived from the Greek word eune (bed) & ekhein (to keep), effectively "bed keeper". In Latin, the words eunuchus, spado & castratus were used to describe eunuchs. Eunuchs are said to be either born as natural eunuchs or castrated to form eunuchs.
In ancient China castration was both a traditional punishment (until the Sui Dynasty) & a means of gaining employment in the Imperial service. Certain eunuchs gained immense power that occasionally superseded that of even that of Grand Secretaries. The logic or the intention of keeping eunuchs as high ranking civil servants was that, as they were incapable of producing their children, they would not be tempted to seize power or start a dynasty.
Eunuchs also held important positions in Indian palaces where they were appointed as servants for female royalty. They are commonly known as hijra in India. Some consider hijras to be male to female trans genders or effeminate homosexuals. They are also mentioned as the 3rd sex in India.
There is lot of thinking, understanding and patience required whilst dealing with such issues.
Sexual orientation is one own preference.
As mentioned for transsexuals ------ they can be male to female or female to male transsexuals. Such people have a strong desire to be of the opposite sex. A psychiatric or psychological consultation is done in many cases (no pun intended), and only after strong confirmation about their orientation, a sex change operation is given a green signal. Hormonal therapy is used for the same purpose which is to be taken lifelong.
Some people mostly with males, think that they are females trapped in male body and live a double life.
But not all have the liberty to change the sex as per their own will. This would in a sense relate to the eunuchs who probably do not have the liberty to follow their mind, at the right time or probably at the right age.
As said before a lot of understanding is required in such matters. And this topic is a topic on which lot of discussions have occurred and would keep occurring.
With the gay rights & homosexuality being legalized in India its not only a liberation for gays or homosexuals but in way "a sign of relief" for trans genders, transsexuals & eunuchs. We just, the so called normal, heterosexuals should show a empathetic view towards the others.
But being a doctor, I always feel though one should follow ones own mind there are a lot of doubts coming in my mind. Should these so called deviations which are now legalized should have been allowed to be legalized. Without the legalization and before that people still followed such orientations on their own free will. So why the need the legalization.
Again another doubt ----- what about the infections & diseases which are already on a rampant.
Doubt no 3 ---- Is this a step prior to legalization of prostitution which is anyways in its full swing.
With this legalization, chances that some one will take advantage of a weaker person, will increase. Situations as we all are aware are different when seen generally.
Most of the people support the above discussed orientations if seen in friends, relatives and other people. But would the same or rather a whole hearted support go to our own born children if they express to be or rather became one of these.