Lets wake up at least now.
I really do not know what is happening to people around this world.
Recently, I could see that every person around me started bending towards spirituality. Every now & then one would find religious spiritual gurus comming up & the devotion of the people towards these gurus & towards god has increased so much. All of a sudden people who thought they knew so many things about god & spirituality have emerged.
It is actually very sad to see wars in name of religion. Wars that are witnessed are really brutally stunning.
I believe that a person is born with a specific religion, a specific faith. They live in a specific environment right from their childhood & are brought up with certain belief. According to me one thing that everybody should follow is a peaceful living. Wherever there is peace there is progress. But very few people realise this.
Today is the time of professionalism. People are heard saying "I am a professional. I deliver the best service". The best service in hotels, hospitals, best TV's, various types of machines etc etc. So some buisnessman came up with the idea of becaming a professional terrorist. I dont know who was that first man who came up with this wonderfully stupid idea. The work of this professional terrorist, as decided by that first man was to destroy all the things made by the good professionals. So again the professionals would be divided into a good & a bad one. The main goal of these so called bad professional is to destroy a peaceful environment & then come up with various explanations. In the near future it would not be hard to believe that some university or institution comes up with an official MBA degree in terrorism. Ha ha ha.
I want to make one of my views very clear that one lives with what one believes, as long as your belif is a peaceful one. But nowadays the definition of peace has changed as many people have started to belive that destruction is peace.
I happened to see a video on You Tube, of a lecture on a particular religion, by a person who follows that particular religion in the so called western world. Western world according to what he mentioned are obviously the European countries, China Japan etc etc. He said that these western people have the highest living standard, highest knowledge & highest tecnology but have paid the price for it. Paid the price which he calculated & presented in the form of statistics. But we all know statistics is meant to suit the requirement of the investigator. Statistics he presented are as follows ------ These western people have the highest number of abortions, prostitution, drug trafficking etc etc. The statistics were presented on basis of how many incidents per minute, per hour, per day, per week, per month & per year. But who says that abortions, prostitution, drug trafficking etc etc occur only in the western world. It occurs anywhere, in any religion & in any place. What man in general forgets that whereever he exists, will there be sin committed & in such situations people are now turning to spiriuality to wash away their sins. According to that particular man mentioned above the religion he follows should be adapted by the western people as converting to his religion will wash away the individuals sins & the individual will find peace & tranquility. How can conversion to any particular religion give peace & tranquility. Does this mental state not depend on the individual. To remain happy is an individual choice, a choice made personally not religiously. This man also believed that Taliban (the word Tali in Arabic means student who links the Quran with the Sunni) was made to restore the honor of the women in Afghanistan & to reduce drug trafficking. After this drug trafficking reduced to a statistical number of 3% in Afghanistan. But there are various proofs that Taliban itself troubles women.
But on the positive side that man definitely seemed intelligent. But what is commonly observed, why is this that intelligent people are most of the time wrongly directed. Right brain but wrong direction. That makes that right brain wrong.
I am listening to a yogi's discourse / sermon. He says that you have to constantly evaluate yourself. Keep doing positive work. Do such wonderful work that people would say vow what a wonderful person. He says that a person who does constant, good, positive work and remains happy will progress and dissipate positive energy. But who are constantly in a negative mode always dissipate negativity. In these category are those people who I earlier mentioned as bad professionals i.e. terrorists.
My only message is let all people in the world of any caste, creed or religion should work positively for their own self and for others too. No force of any kind be used & make the living in his world a smooth living.