
I used to have very unique idea about success. But every time I reached a certain level as decided I thought "yeh dil maange more".
But what ever our mind or heart wants is an individuals liking, thinking, experience, perception. But based on one individual or many individuals criteria, success can neither be defined nor described. Today's era is the era of cut throat competition. Every one wants to win & every one wants to be successful. But is there any formula for success???????????? No, I don't think so. Success is a constant process. It has to be slow too. The start & the maintainance has to be gradual & lifelong. Success is the matter of outlook, of one's behavior, character & credibility. If there is an end in the success then it is no success at all.
I start with giving my e.g. I was an average student. Sometimes with god's grace I had the privilege & the biggest honor of scoring good marks. But again that was just once in a while. Again with gods grace I was able to complete my education on time, became a doctor, get a master degree in a specialty subject & secure a reasonably paid, the so called highly privileged government job. But again I am just an average scorer who has to do the job sincerely. Because of my average scoring I used to get a complex in front of other students & I still have a complex. But whenever I think of the past I think that I have been very very lucky and in a position which even the so called clever few did not have. After I did my MD in pharmacology I worked for me Rs 8500 per month. But in a span of 6 months I got a government job and started getting money according to 6th pay commission. So I am suppose to think that my successful innings have started long time back but no. I want to be more and more successful.
Many success stories have been seen or heard. Men, women, children being successful time & again.
But according to me success is all about having mental peace & tranquility. Comparison should be a strict no no in the process of acquiring success. We always have a control with whom we compare ourselves or our near & dear ones. But a deliberate attempt to acquire money & success always leads to frustration. Money, name & fame as mentioned earlier is always gradual.
Moral of the story is --------- Be stable, work hard & just keep working gradually towards our goal. Not to forget always keep helping the needy. That person will became successful in all directions.