Live Curious

Before I start writing, I would like to wish the readers of my blog a very happy new year.

I have written nothing in the month of December & till shortly had no topic to think & write on. Then I just happened to watch the National Geographic channel, which showed an advertisement promoting the channel which said, live curious, hence watch National Geographic Channel.

Hence I decided that my new year resolution would be the adaptation of this promotion & I will be curious for all positive things in life. I will try to be curious, live curious & put an end to that curiosity by working positively.

Second resolution is that I will live healthy, read healthy & keep on self improving.

The third resolution is that I will keep on reciting Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram. This is the mantra which my mother asked me to recite in the year of 2011. Not only is this good for over all development but also that my sibling will be born with the supreme intelligence & ability with no fault whatsoever.

One of my resolutions I said,  is I will keep on self improving. This would be good for both me  & my child.

Many resolutions which I will keep making on the day today basis & try to fulfill them.

Hope I will be able to fulfill my resolutions for 2011. Again wishing you all a very happy new year.


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