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Glimpses of a Golden Childhood - 1

This lock down has taught many things to us Humans, especially Indians like me. Many people have been experiencing a variety of experiences according to their lifestyles & living conditions.  Many a times, during the regular, normal days of the past, most of us must be thinking, "Only if I would have the time, I will, at leisure, pursue my hobbies like painting, dancing, singing". We longed for that free time at a stretch to pursue & fulfill our hobbies without any interference. Now, as everyone is having this free time at a stretch, many are actually pursuing their hobbies. Many are painting or drawing & uploading their work on whats app or facebook. All these days, I have been thinking. I should write more & more. But, some sort of thinking constantly gripped me & writing somehow seemed to have vanished out of my mind.  Today, I just happened to catch hold of a book named "Glimpses of a Golden Childhood". I always used to feel that pe...

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