A game called IPL

IPL is the cricket game which is most talked & discussed topic nowadays. Specially certain people are the hot topics discussed & as known by most have bore the brunt may be of their actions, media speculations (as always happens), jealousy, rivalry, fear etc etc.
I have been following this news for quite a long time. Though I have no special interest in the national game called cricket but interest arose when I happened to see an interview of our ex-external affairs minister MR. SHASHI THAROOR. I have never seen world cup matches or 20-20 matches in the past were India as a team has played against the other foreign cricket teams. So as obvious, I am not interested in the same game which splits any specific country team. So players from Indian, Australian, England, Sri lankan etc etc cricket teams will be playing against players from Indian, Australian, England, Sri lankan etc etc cricket teams. Funny idea which is for me difficult to digest.
Coming back to the interview given by MR. SHASHI THAROOR. He gave very clean explanations about his interest in the Kochi team & his relationship with another controversial character Ms. Sunanda Pushkar. I read about him simultaneously on net & also was hearing him. I was convinced by his work profile as well as his speech & explanations.
I happened to read an article written by Mr. Pritish Nandy which I immensely liked, in todays Sunday Times Of India.
His clear view & ideas of the same subject, his equally clear way of writing & expressing his views neatly impressed me a lot.
He spoke both for MR. SHASHI THAROOR & now another new character in my article Mr. Lalit Modi. His view that certain issues should remain as transparent and clear as possible & as normal as possible is very true.
Another view about Mr. Lalit Modi -----Certain actions which so convinced BCCI officials so much till few days ago are now acting like a thorn in the body. The person who was a success until a few days ago just becomes villain all of a sudden. I agree to this view very much. The actions which are hurting the BCCI members currently regarding Mr. Lalit Modi, how come they never knew about all these factors taking into regard the fact that BCCI & Mr. Lalit Modi are working together for the past 5 years.
This topic is becoming very controversial day by day. Its been dragged like a rubber day by day. Its making people more & more curious & also tired with the repetition.
Hence, let the matter end fast with justice to the right person.