Railway events

I have been travelling by the local trains in Mumbai for the past 15 years of my life. As obvious there, significant changes have occurred in the railways since these 15 years. Railway ministers changed, so did the policies. Crowd of people increased & so did the quality. Even the age of the TC's have changed, their attire's being a bit modern & trendy.
Changes have been significant over the years but certain things have remained constant. For e.g. bad guys still trouble feminine gender by their erratic, uncivilized behavior. This has now slightly been modified. Bad guys nowadays are also using the same behavior not only with the opposite sex but also with the same sex. Gay people (specially the wrong categories have increased since the rule against them removed) have been in action since the recent times.
One more thing that has not changed is the feminine fights which have remained the same & happens almost in the same way that has been happening over the years & with the same intensity over the years & in both the 1st & the 2nd class compartments.
Third thing that has been ditto ditto same is the ignorance. Taking the increasing population into consideration, railways decided to increase the number of trains & increase 12 coach trains instead of the 6 coach ones. Good decision taken but then the problems remain the same. One of the 1st class ladies compartment comes exactly next to the ladies second class compartment. As it always happens, ignorant (by choice or the real ones) ladies of the second class always enter 1st class due to less rush. By doing this they increase the inconvenience of the 1st class compartment ladies & also increase the rush in the compartment. Its not that I am making a difference among people but such a difference is made by the railways in sense of anatomy as well as distributing the crowds equally. Such people come in the 1st class compartment with no fear of being caught & charged by the ticket checker (TC). Might as well by the valid ticket & then enter. TC's never come on the right time, but come only to charge genuine but bechara cases who became bechara due to circumstances known better by people who are regular travelers of the local trains.
Why are such ignorant people still existent????????? Just imagine if such people don't know the difference in the train compartments they are travelling in, since many years then on what basis would they be electing the government????????? Has anybody of these so called ignorant people ever tried to know who our politicians are? I don't think this the case & because of people owns ignorance they hate the politicians & their own country. What an irony.
Other things that didn't change, obviously, over the years is the theft, the same railway platforms, same railway canteens etc etc.