The most easily available god ------ Sun

Almost everybody in this world believes & prays the almighty i.e. GOD. The forms might be different, according to the religion, but its the faith is what matters.

I believe that SUN is the most accessible god present. Many worship god in different ways, by prayers, idol worship etc etc.

Sun has many advantages & so does SUN THERAPY. To know what advantages it offers, read further.

Morning sun is said to be a source of Vitamin D. It is the best, natural & the most abundant source for Vitamin D. Hence a regular exposure to sun provides a constant source for Vitamin D & hence helps to prevent Rickets in children.

Another well known fact that every person would know is that sun rays help to kill insects & mosquitoes. Hence it is commonly known by all that mosquitoes are usually seen & bite at night time & not during the daytime. Exception ------ construction sites where due to stagnation of water & shady areas, becomes a breeding site for mosquitoes. Hence sun does have a sterilizing effects on our houses.

Surya namaskar or Sun Salutation (Salute the sun) is a common sequence of Hatha Yoga Asanas The origins lie in the worship of Surya, the Hindu solar deity. The sequence of movements & poses can be practiced on various levels of awareness, ranging from that of physical exercises in various styles to complete sadhana, which incorporates asana, pranayama, mantra & chakra meditation. There are total 12 asanas to be done. When done perfectly, there is alternating movements & stretching of the spine forwards & backwards. They are performed with alternate inhalation & exhalation except for the 6th asana where the breath is held in external suspension. Proponents of the use of surya namaskara as a part of modern yoga tradition prefer to perform it at sunrise, which the orthodox consider to be the most spiritually favorable time of the day. There is also the mention in the Vedas that praying Sun & performing a daily surya namaskara brings good health & prosperity. Not only does it help fight diseases, prevents rickets & also helps one to remain fit & strong. There are many mantras which could be enchanted whilst performing the Surya Namaskar, one of the commonest being OM SURYAYA NAMAH.

There are many sun temples all over India, e.g.s are the world heritage, The Konark Temple at Orrisa, Biranchi Khetra again in Orrisa, Modhera in Gujrat, Arasavalli temple in AP, Galtaji's temple in Jaipur & clusters of Navghara temples in Tamil Nadu & Aasam. The sun temples of Martandi (J&K) & Multan were destroyed.

Certain festivals in India are dedicated to Sun God Surya. They are :-

  • Makara Sankaranthi: - It is celebrated throughout India & dedicated to God Surya. It celebrated as Pongal by Tamils all over the world. People thank Surya for giving them good harvest and dedicate the first grain to him.
  • Chhath:- Another hindu festival dedicated to god Surya. It was believed to be started by Karna, son of Surya, who became a great warrior & fought against pandavas in Kurukshetra war. It is unique in Bihar, Jharkhand & some parts of Uttar Prradesh, Nepal & Mauritius.
  • Ratha Saptami: - Hindu festivals that fall on the 7th (Saptami) day on the bright half of Hindu month Maagha. It is also known as Surya Jayanthi because it celebrates the power of Sun God who is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Sun therapy has many other benifits too. I had heard in one of the lectures that looking at the sun rise or sun set for a few seconds then gradually increasing the time to a few minutes, decreases the refractory error & reduces the spectacle number.

Gayatri Mantra as we all know is also one mantra for praying God Sun. Chanting of this mantra is known to increase brain capacity & remembering power & increases intelligence. It is recomended to all students as chanting of Gayatri Mantra increases brain sharpness.

Thus Surya & its rays are useful in many ways thus beneficial to mankind. Sun therapy is used as an alternative modality of treatment in many ailments. And thank god or thank Sun himself for its abundance & easy availability making it the most accessesible, eaisly available god.


Some more points in support of sun therapy. I read these in a local newspaper. They are,

a.)Spending a few minutes in sunshine gives the skin a healthy glow. Over the time the body will build up a natural resistance to detrimental effects of ultraviolet light.

b.) The skin in the long run will be resistant to sunburns & infections.

c.) A small time in the sun helps get rid of acne, boils & psoriasis.

d.) Sunlight is known to stimulate appetite & improve digestion & metabolism as well as strengthen your immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in the body.

e.) For good blood circulation a good amount of exposure to sunlight is required. Sunlight will help produce more red blood cells that increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.

f.) Sunlight is known to increase the output of melatonin in the body, which in turn helps in inducing & maintaining sleep at night time.

g.) A small walk outside the house or opening the windows so that natural light comes inside helps us in having a fresh feeling.

h.) Sunlight improves liver functioning by breaking down toxins that lead to various diseases.

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