What an act!

Times keep changing. People have their preferences & have their own behavioral pattern. All individuals have their own set of ideas. Not many people would support homosexuality, gay community, transsexuals, transgenders or eunuchs. Reason ------------Their activities, behavior or the very fact that they are homosexuals is unacceptable. But I want to hi - light a certain incident which for me is certainly unacceptable.
This news was read few days ago, but made headlines in a local news paper today. Certain group of students who studied in a certain management institute brutally hit and molested a 13 year old minor girl who was working as a maid. They recorded their act & posted their video on internet. This was seen by some other students from the same management institute, leading to mass protest.
The students (who committed this unacceptable act) including the land lady in whose house these students stayed were arrested but released on bail the next day.
Child rights activists & home minister Mr. R. R. Patil now are into action for fight for justice.
First of all keeping a minor girl would be unacceptable according to Child rights & on top of it such a obscene act committed is difficult to believe.
I don't think such an act would be acceptable by anybody. How come these guys think that they can do anything & get away with it. They are young, rich so anything will do. They are free to do anything, thinking that they will escape. Who gives them the right to to act in such a way??? Don't you think that these people think too smart of their own selves. Hitting & torturing some person who is weaker physically, molesting her & then to think "wah kya kaam kiya hai" is unacceptable.
Todays youth as commonly seen lacks a lot of focus. The same energy if focused in the right direction would definitely help them to achieve high goals in life.
A huge population that India has, just imagine even 40% of the population tried to work for their better future would, in the long turn help in building India's future. Just FOCUS. But what to do, its difficult to teach so many people.