Ultimate Analysis
There are certain people who are so expert in analyzing certain things, especially when it comes to analyzing other people. Now the reader would ask, "what is the analyzing parameter?".
The parameter is weight. From the time & day I was born I was analyzed on this parameter.
"Arre, she looks like a chipkali, I won't touch her", said one of my aunt's.
Yes the statement is very very true & someone would believe this. That someone should have seen me from school days or even before that. I was born very thin & remained so till a major part of my life. But then as I started growing up I gained some weight. I looked good. But then weight started becoming a major issue & from then onwards started the ultimate analysis.
"Arre, Shirin (my pet name), you have increased your weight. Now that you have reached the marriageable age & soon going to finish your studies, you need to look presentable. Who will like you otherwise. All these boys who will come to see you, no matter how bad they are, they always want slim, trim & beautiful girls. Maintain yourself", said my mom.
Somewhat similar statements came from my dad, because they just decide together what to tell me. Ha ha ha.
"Hi Shirin, you have became fat ha. You look fatty fatty", said my Bua.
Then I decided to go to the gym. I became thin. But then my parents expectations reached the peak. They wanted me to be as thin as a model. But do it without the gym. Try very hard in the time left & once the time is over i.e. after the decided paid months are over in the gym, start starving yourself. Ghosh, half my life is gone analyzing my weight, with major inputs from the people who surround me time & again. If someone happened to pass the fatty comment on me in front of my parents, then I have had it.
Now if I happened to wear a sexy dress which made me look good &slim, the same set of people, luckily, if they happened to be around me, would then say, "Wah, Wah Shirin you have reduced. You look so good". Then my parents would say, "See your determination. Good you have reduced your weight. Maintain it". Wow, just in a matter of few days I can increase or decrease weight. Magic.
If a potential candidate rejected me for marriage ------------ Your Fat. But if I got selected ---------------- Wonderful, you have became thin.
1 year has passed after I got married. Yesterday, I was in the lift with my dad. An uncle in the lift said, "Kyonji Dr. Sahaab, fat fat". This he said pointing towards me. My dad looked at me & then looked down. Now thats it. I hate all those people who are nothing in my life & comment as if they were valued.
What do these people think, that their analysis & comment would help them pass a school exam or help them make a whether forecast or help them win a local election seat or help them win a marathon or help them in what sense? But whatever they can achieve by this, why is the target me? So I have decided, chuck all the people including my parents who would always say "see we told you". I am simply the best.
Just one more thing. What would such people say when they see births in 2 extremes of situation. Situation like, a snake giving birth to its babies & when a elephant gives birth to its babies. Kindly let me know.
The parameter is weight. From the time & day I was born I was analyzed on this parameter.
"Arre, she looks like a chipkali, I won't touch her", said one of my aunt's.
Yes the statement is very very true & someone would believe this. That someone should have seen me from school days or even before that. I was born very thin & remained so till a major part of my life. But then as I started growing up I gained some weight. I looked good. But then weight started becoming a major issue & from then onwards started the ultimate analysis.
"Arre, Shirin (my pet name), you have increased your weight. Now that you have reached the marriageable age & soon going to finish your studies, you need to look presentable. Who will like you otherwise. All these boys who will come to see you, no matter how bad they are, they always want slim, trim & beautiful girls. Maintain yourself", said my mom.
Somewhat similar statements came from my dad, because they just decide together what to tell me. Ha ha ha.
"Hi Shirin, you have became fat ha. You look fatty fatty", said my Bua.
Then I decided to go to the gym. I became thin. But then my parents expectations reached the peak. They wanted me to be as thin as a model. But do it without the gym. Try very hard in the time left & once the time is over i.e. after the decided paid months are over in the gym, start starving yourself. Ghosh, half my life is gone analyzing my weight, with major inputs from the people who surround me time & again. If someone happened to pass the fatty comment on me in front of my parents, then I have had it.
Now if I happened to wear a sexy dress which made me look good &slim, the same set of people, luckily, if they happened to be around me, would then say, "Wah, Wah Shirin you have reduced. You look so good". Then my parents would say, "See your determination. Good you have reduced your weight. Maintain it". Wow, just in a matter of few days I can increase or decrease weight. Magic.
If a potential candidate rejected me for marriage ------------ Your Fat. But if I got selected ---------------- Wonderful, you have became thin.
1 year has passed after I got married. Yesterday, I was in the lift with my dad. An uncle in the lift said, "Kyonji Dr. Sahaab, fat fat". This he said pointing towards me. My dad looked at me & then looked down. Now thats it. I hate all those people who are nothing in my life & comment as if they were valued.
What do these people think, that their analysis & comment would help them pass a school exam or help them make a whether forecast or help them win a local election seat or help them win a marathon or help them in what sense? But whatever they can achieve by this, why is the target me? So I have decided, chuck all the people including my parents who would always say "see we told you". I am simply the best.
Just one more thing. What would such people say when they see births in 2 extremes of situation. Situation like, a snake giving birth to its babies & when a elephant gives birth to its babies. Kindly let me know.
I would not have mind had they told me to shed weight for health reasons, but people say this so that one can look pleasant to a prospect. I would never want to be with someone who would want me to change!! Accept me the way I am!
Your correct, acceptance should be natural.