Times ---- Past & Present

I happened to read an e-mail which was send to my husband by one of his college seniors'. His name is Luke Gracious. Though he passed out of his college, means graduated long ago, he still interacts with his college mates. From them he realised that his college standards have deteriorated like anything. His time & the present times, are totally different. During his times, college was a place of quality, of worth, a temple, respected & the best. But times changed, but for his college, not for good. What was observed by him, felt by him is something most of the people including me would think, while we ponder over the past. Suddenly I thought, though we aren't related, his & my ideas are same.

I myself used to play when I was a child. I & my friends would play just any damn game. If we fell short of games we would come out with some new games. I must have played in all the gali's & the mohalla's, must have fallen over a thousand times on the grounds & would have had multiple fights, verbal / nonverbal with my friends. But nowadays children are not seen playing at all. I played outdoor & indoor games. But nowadays children are just so obsessed with TVs, computers & mobiles, they have became busier then any successful man present on this earth, they just don't get time for natural development.

Another e.g. ----  Anybody who is a television viewer since the doordarshan times, would realize the difference between the daily soaps that came at 9.00 pm during those times & the daily soaps which are telecast-ed in the various channels these days. Quality & substance again get associated with the past. I still get nostalgic when I watch the serials of the past. I & my husband, Rajeev Ratan, both watch Malgudi Days & Chanakya. Truly, even with limited technology in the past, serials were well researched, well thought, innovative, yet entertaining. God knows in the future, where will quality be!

Like Mr. Luke Gracious, I too observed a deterioration in my college over the time. During my times & before that students had that competitive mind, dedication, style & grace. They studied with style & had fun with style. The festivals organised then were so beautiful that it was difficult to keep away from them. But now when I observe, children don't study nor do they have fun. Shame to see the downfall in the quality.

Times were better then, but it is distrusting now. Lot of a difference between the present & past.


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